During CRES 2018, several topics that continue to be crucial for the work of this axis were highlighted. Among these, the consolidation of regional cooperation through the recognition of studies, degrees, diplomas and competencies, the strengthening of academic regional integration, especially through networks and consortia such as ENLACES, and the promotion of South-South cooperation as a humanistic and solidarity-based approach to international cooperation. 

The role of internationalization has also been emphasized as a key tool for the transformation of higher education, favoring the formation of citizens and professionals committed to interculturality, capable of living and working in the conjunction between the territorial and the global. In this sense, it is recommended that internationalization be included in the training of teachers, researchers and higher education workers, as well as the consolidation of the international dimension at the three levels of the educational process: teaching-learning processes; curricular structure and content; and the design of institutional policies.

Diana Araujo Pereira, Rector of the Federal University of Latin American Integration

In relation to emerging issues, the entry into force of the new Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, in October 2022, and of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, in March 2023, places new emphasis on academic mobility and employability at the international level. Likewise, the expanded use of information technologies in the educational system has generated new dynamics of connection and collaboration within and between academic communities in different countries, shaping a new paradigm of internationalization, which requires new institutional approaches and capacity building for the positive use of ever-changing technological trends.

The experts leading the construction of this axis are: Diana Araujo Pereira, rector of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Brazil; Maritza Rondón Rangel, rector of the Cooperative University of Colombia (UCC); Nicolas Maillard, associate professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil and Telémaco Talavera Siles, general coordinator of KAIRÓS-Education, Nicaragua.